Make Time for a Green Cause is a clock design competition and a fundraising event for Trees for the future, a non-profit organization dedicated to sustainable agroforestry – to help them reach their goal of planting millions of trees! For every dollar raised ten trees will be planted around the world. spring joined Rob Price in the realization this amazing event and fundraiser. We have summoned up a great panel of judges among artists and designers and collected an interesting selection of meaningful prizes for the designers exhibiting.
The panel of judges included Max Schorr (publisher and founding editor of GOODmagazine), Douglas Riccardi (Art Director), Donald Baechler (contemporary artist), Treehugger and Core77 The clocks were judged based on design, originality and green-ness (use of recycled materials etc). Over 50 clocks were exhibited at spring. The winning designs will be awarded some great premiums: a chance to play ping pong with Ron Gilad in his design studio; a private visit to Donald Baechler’s studio; coffee/chit chat with Laetitia Wolff, SURFACE magazine’s editorial director; a presentation at an upcoming Apartment Therapy Meetup; dinner at Superfine; brunch at Superfine and a subscription to GOOD magazine.
our judges
Carol Cho
Ron Gilad
Laetitia Wolff
St.Marks Bookstore
Alison Lincoln, Maureen Lin and Leeling Ho
Kevin Baker; Angelica Bergamini; Sal Buccheri; Davide Cantoni; Denise Carbonell; Christian Cerrito; Natasha Chetiyawardana; Heather Cox; Peter Cole; Derek Dominy; Tommy Etzi; Prisca Fey; Jennifer Fisher; Jessica Fugler; Jan Goldress; Reid Hecker; John Hannon; Leeling Ho; Teena Kuriakose; Jason Liang; Sammi Lin; Maureen Lin; Alison Lincoln; Maureen Martinez; Michael McDevitt; Katie Mullins; Joe Ponciano; Mark A Riegelman; Richarson, Brill and Williams; Mette Romme; Klaus Rosburg; Richard Saja; Don Streb; Christopher Swift; Ceci Thompson; Tiffany Threadgould; Jasper Wheeler; Eric Whipple; Michael Whitney; George Wittman and Akira Yoshimura.